Our compatibility chart lists any and all vehicles that the given part(s) will fit. If you do not see your vehicle in the chart, or mentioned in the description, these parts generally will not fit your vehicle. IT IS NOT OUR RESPONSIBILITY IF YOU HAVE ORDERED PARTS FOR AN INCOMPATIBLE VEHICLE! Items are in stock in our store OR with our supplier(s) at the time the listing is started. From time to time it is possible that the item featured in the listing is either back ordered or discontinued.
It is VERY important to us that we have a reliable means to communicate with our valued customers. Please be sure to check your messages to review any info from us on your order. Most do not allow dealers to make a decision whether or not the product will be replaced or repaired. Items & ALL packaging MUST be in original (NEW IN BOX) unaltered condition. ALL packaging, labels, tags, shrink wrap must be unaltered and fully intact.
Do not write on item or packaging. We will NOT accept items or packaging that have been opened, installed, used, or.
Not in their complete original un-altered packaging under ANY circumstances. Are subject to availability of a replacement item.